Publikationen in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management
IP-Management in Mittelstand und Start-ups
- Castaldi, C., Block, J., Flikkema, M. J. (2020). Editorial: why and when do firms trademark? Bridging perspectives from industrial organisation, innovation and entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation. 27(1-2): 1-10.
- De Vries, G., Pennings, E., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2017). Trademark or patent? The effects of market concentration, customer type, and venture capital financing on start-ups’ initial IP applications. Industry and Innovation. 24(4): 325-345.
- Block, J., Fisch, C., Hahn, A., Sandner, P. (2015). Why do SMEs file trademarks? Insights from firms in innovative industries. Research Policy. 44(10): 1915-1930.
- Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J., Spiegel, F., Zischka, H. (2015). Cross-functional patent management in family firms. Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft. 85(2): 181-203.
Innovation im Mittelstand
- Lampe, H., Block, J., Willeke, T., Clauß, T., Steinmetz, H. (in press). Technological innovations of hidden champions: evidence from patent data. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- Block, J., Hansen, C., Steinmetz, H. (2023). Are family firms doing more innovation output with less innovation input? A replication and extension. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 47(4): 1496-1520.
- Doluca, H., Wagner, M., Block, J. (2018). Sustainability and environmental behaviour in family firms: a longitudinal analysis of environmentally-related activities, innovation and performance. Business Strategy and the Environment. 27(1): 152-172.
- Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P., Spiegel, F. (2013). Economic and technological importance of innovations in large family and founder firms: an analysis of patent data. Family Business Review. 26(2): 180-199.
- Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (2013). What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 23(4): 693-718.
- Block, J. (2012). R&D investments in family and founder firms: an agency perspective. Journal of Business Venturing. 27(2): 248-265.
Patente, Marken und regionale Innovation
- Block, J., Fisch, C., Ikeuchi, K., Kato, M. (2022). Trademarks as an indicator of regional innovation: Evidence from Japanese prefectures. Regional Studies. 56(2): 190-209.
- Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2013). Family firm density and regional innovation output: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 4(4): 270-280.
Patente aus Universitäten
- Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2016). Chinese university patents: Quantity, quality, and the role of subsidy programs. Journal of Technology Transfer. 41(1): 60-84.
- Fisch, C., Hassel, T., Sandner, P., Block, J. (2015). University patenting: A comparison of 300 leading universities worldwide. Journal of Technology Transfer. 40(2): 318-345.
IP und Start-up Finanzierung
- Fisch, C., Meoli, M., Vismara, S., Block, J. (2022). The effect of trademark breadth on IPO valuation and post-IPO performance: an empirical investigation of 1,510 European IPOs. Journal of Business Venturing. 37(5): Article 106237.
- Zhou, H., Sandner, P., Martinelli, L., Block, J. (2016). Patents, trademarks, and their complementarity in venture capital funding. Technovation. 47: 14-22.
- Block, J., De Vries, G., Schumann, J., Sandner, P. (2014). Trademarks and venture capital valuation. Journal of Business Venturing. 29(4): 453-484.
Hidden Champions, Mittelstand und Familienunternehmen
- Lampe, H., Block, J., Willeke, T., Clauß, T., Steinmetz, H. (in press). Technological innovations of hidden champions: evidence from patent data. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
- Block, J., Lorenzen, S., Steinmetz, H. (in press). Decarbonization types of medium-sized and mid-cap firms in the manufacturing sector. Business Strategy and the Environment.
- Schenkenhofer, J., Block, J., Vismara, S. (in press). University knowledge spillovers and innovation of hidden champions: evidence from Italy. R&D Management.
- Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J., Hülsbeck, M., Lux, F. S. (2024). Environmental sustainability of family firms: a meta-analysis of handprint and footprint. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 48(5): 1266-1284.
- Benz, L., Block, J., Johann, M. (in press). Hidden Champions as a determinant of regional development: an analysis of German districts. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie (The German Journal of Economic Geography).
- Block, J. H., Sharma, P., & Benz, L. (2024). Stakeholder pressures and decarbonization strategies in Mittelstand firms. Journal of Business Ethics. 193: 511-533.
- Johann, M., Block, J. H., Benz, L. (2022). Financial performance of Hidden Champions: Evidence from German manufacturing firms. Small Business Economics. 59: 873-892.
Bewertung von Patenten und Marken
- Block, J., Fisch, C, Sandner, P. (2014). Trademark families: characteristics and market values. Journal of Brand Management. 21(2): 150-170.
- Sandner, P., Block, J. (2011). The market value of R&D, patents and trademarks. Research Policy. 40(7): 969-985.
Grüne Patente und Marken
- Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., Meloni, D. (in press). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy.
- Hirschmann, M., Block, J. (2022). Trademarks and how they relate to the sustainability and economic outcomes of social startups. Journal of Cleaner Production. 376: Article 134320.
Patentsystem und Patentrecherche
- Lampe, H. W. (2023). Crowdsourcing in patent examination: overcoming patent examiners' local search bias. R&D Management, 53(5), 764-777.
CleanTech- und Impact-Investitionen
- Block, J., Benz, L., Krämer-Eis, H., Botsari, A., Lang, F., Mandys, F. (in press). Climate issues in portfolio investment decisions: a comparison of private equity and venture capital. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance.
(article) - Hirschmann, M., Moritz, A., Block, J. (2022). Motives, supporting activities, and selection criteria of social impact incubators: An experimental conjoint study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 51(5): 1095-1133.
(article) - Block, J., Hirschmann, M. Fisch, C. (2021). Which criteria matter when impact investors screen social enterprises? Journal of Corporate Finance. 66 (February): 101813.
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