Seminars, training courses and presentations
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Seminars and training courses

Steinbeis-Zentrale at Stuttgart-Hohenheim

We are happy to share our knowledge in the form of seminars or training courses. 

Regular topics:

  • How do I benefit from innovation? The role of IP
  • The 1X1 of quantitative patent and trademark management
  • Measuring the sustainability impact of innovation with patents and trademarks
  • AI-supported patent search and patent evaluation
  • Quantitative competition and technology analysis with patent and trademark data

We are happy to tailor the content of the seminars and training courses to you and adapt the topics to your wishes.

The seminars and training courses usually last 1 to 2 days and take place either at your premises or at the Steinbeis Group's premises in Berlin-Adlershof, Karlsruhe or Stuttgart-Hohenheim.

The dates for upcoming seminars will be announced here. We are also happy to inform you proactively. Simply get in touch with us.

Presentations and keynotes

Prof. Block at Mittelstandstag Rheinland-Pfalz 2023

In addition to seminars and training courses, we are also happy to share our knowledge in the form of presentations or panel discussions at conferences, workshops, trade fairs, company visits or other occasions. 

The presentations are practice-oriented and transfer findings from research about innovation, technology and IP management into (entrepreneurial) practice. Another thematic focus is on SMEs, hidden champions and family businesses as well as technology and innovation policy.

We are happy to tailor the content of the presentations to your needs and adapt the topics to your wishes.

An (incomplete) list of presentation topics:

  • How do I benefit from innovation? The role of IP rights
    (keywords: innovation rents, secrecy, patents, trademarks, patent valuation, product innovation, process innovation
  • Innovation strategies of hidden champions
    (keywords: hidden champions, focus strategy, patents, open innovation, incremental innovation, disruptive innovation)
  • Innovation und IP management in Mittelstand firms
    (keywords: medium-sized companies, family businesses, innovation performance, secrecy, patents, trademarks)
  • Climate protection innovations: Stakeholders, financial value and eco-impact
    (keywords: decarbonization, product innovations, process innovations, scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, sustainability impact, financial assessment)
  • Regional innovation ecosystems: emergence and success factors
    (regional clusters, innovation cooperation, technology and knowledge spillovers, patents, patent citations, start-ups)
  • Decarbonization of medium-sized companies
    (keywords: scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, EU taxonomy, emission certificates, process innovations, trickle-down effect)
  • Open innovation and IP management
    (keywords: Innovation cooperation, absorptive capacity, start-ups, license management, standards, innovation ecosystems)
