About us

The Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management uses quantitative methods and artificial intelligence tools to analyze and interpret data in technology, innovation and IP management. Our clients are companies, start-ups, universities, research institutions, ministries, investors and banks.

The Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management belongs to the Steinbeis-Verbund.

Our expertise

Technology and competition analysis

We analyze data on patents, trademarks, and design rights with quantitative methods for the purpose of technology and competition analysis.

Details and use cases 

GreenTech, patents and trademarks

Technologies and innovations can help to reduce environmental problems. We use IP data to identify such innovations and determine their “sustainability impact”.

Details and use cases

AI-supported IP search

We use machine learning methods, in particular natural language processing, for targeted patent searches.
Details and use cases

IP valuation

As intangible assets, IP rights are difficult to value. We use quantitative methods to estimate the financial and technological value of IP rights.
Details and use cases

Use cases


Freedom-to-operate-analyses help to decide whether patents exist that stand in the way of the development, manufacture and market launch of a technical innovation or product. With the help of AI-supported patent search methods, we systematically identify patents or patent applications that could restrict freedom-to-operate.

 Impact of climate protection patents

Process innovations in particular can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial sector. In the first step, we use patent data to identify such innovations. In the second step, we then use patent citation data and data from emission trading schemes to determine their technological and ecological impact.

Competition analysis with IP data

Companies protect their innovations, products and services with the help of patents and trademarks. We use quantitative methods to systematically analyze the patent and trademark portfolios of (potential) competitors, suppliers and other companies along the value chain. The result is a targeted benchmarking with your own patent and trademark portfolio as well as an assessment of the overlap and determination of your own market position.

Search for innovation partners

As part of open innovation, companies cooperate with other companies, start-ups, universities and non-university research institutions. We use patent and publication data to identify potential cooperation partners and assess their attractiveness in terms of research and technology output.

Our team and network of experts

Prof. Dr. Jörn Block

Prof. Dr. Jörn Block

Chairman, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Chairholder, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Trier

Guest professorships: Wittener Institut für Familienunternehmen, Universität Witten/Herdecke; Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership, Jönköping University

Expertise: analysis of patents and trademarks, technology- and innovation management, strategic management, sustainability management, hidden champions and Mittelstand firms, multivariate statistics, bayesian analysis

Publications: regular publications in the leading academic journals of technology management, innovation management, and entrepreneurship (e.g., Research Policy, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Technology Transfer, Industry and Innovation); Google Scholar citations > 17,500 (H-Index: 67)

Academic associations: (deputy) spokesman of the section "Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship" at VHB (since 2020); (vice-) president, FGF - Forschungsnetzwerk Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (2015-2022)

Contact: block(at)stz-technologiemanagement.de

Darius Lambrecht, M.Sc.

Darius Lambrecht, M.Sc.

Network of experts, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Research associate, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Trier

Expertise: innovation management, sustainability management, patent management, data analysis, multivariate statistics

Dr. Hannes Lampe

Dr. Hannes Lampe

Network of experts, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Manager, Capgemini Invent

Expertise: technology- and innovation management, patent analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, quantitative network analysis, multivariate statistics

Publications: regular publications in the leading academic journals of technology and innovation management

Solvej Lorenzen, M.Sc.

Solvej Lorenzen, M.Sc.

Network of experts, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Research associate, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Trier and Wittener Institut für Familienunternehmen, Universität Witten/Herdecke

Expertise: innovation management, sustainability management, strategic management, data analysis, multivariate statistics

Contact: lorenzen(at)stz-technologiemanagement.de

Dr. Silvia Moyses-Scheingruber

Dr. Silvia Moyses-Scheingruber

Network of experts Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Professional experience: several years as a management consultant and executive in a technology start-up

Current teaching activity: Strategic Management at Munich University of Applied Sciences

Expertise: Corporate strategy, data-driven management & innovation, business process reengineering, mergers & acquisitions

Main research areas: family businesses, hidden champions, corporate strategy, M&A, corporate governance

Dr. Holger Steinmetz

Dr. Holger Steinmetz

Network of experts, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Research associate, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Trier

Expertise: multivariate statistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, meta-analysis, structural equation modelling, work and organisational psychology

Publications: regular publications in the leading academic journals of entrepreneurship and psychology

Tom Willeke, M.Sc.

Tom Willeke, M.Sc.

Network of experts, Steinbeis-Transferzentrum für Technologie- und IP-Management

Research associate, Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensführung, Universität Trier

Expertise: patent data, trademark data, design right data, big data, web scraping, artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP)
