Technology and competition analysis

We analyze in a systematic way patent, trademark and web data for the purpose of technology and competition analysis. Our methods range from simple descriptive analyses to multivariate statistical procedures and AI methods.

The areas of application are diverse. Clients include companies as well as investors, associations, foundations and government organizations.

  • Objective, quantitative and comprehensive benchmarking of your own technology and market position in competition
  • Combination of patent and trademark data with other data sources  
  • Academic rigorous approach

Broad spectrum of application fields

Technology analysis and forecasting

Amongst other things, technology management deals with the analysis and forecasting of technological trends. We use patent, brand, website and publication data as well as the associated citation data to take record and evaluate technological trends. One result of this is statements on “technology readiness” or the degree of maturity of a particular technology. Methodologically, both “classic” bibliometric procedures and AI methods such as topic modeling are used. Clients are companies as well as government institutions and foundations with a focus on technology that want to gain an overview of technology trends. 

Competition and innovation strategy

Patent and trademark data allow conclusions to be drawn about the competition and innovation strategy of companies. We use this data for a comprehensive benchmarking of our clients' competition and innovation strategy in comparison to other market players. To this end, we work with external databases (e.g. PatentSight) but also with our own databases and web mining tools. Methodologically, we use simple descriptive methods as well as AI-based approaches and multivariate statistical procedures (e.g. cluster analysis). The combination of patent and trademark data results in a multi-layered and comprehensive picture of your own competitive position in the market.  

Market entry, growth, and internationalization

Patent and trademark data can be used to analyse companies' market entry, growth and internationalization strategies. We collect the relevant patent and trademark data from (potential) competitors and then analyze it descriptively for our clients. We use both external and our own databases. The combination of patent and trademark data allows a comprehensive analysis of the market entry, growth and internationalization strategies of (potential) competitors.

Industry, region and country studies

Industries, regions and countries differ in terms of their focus on technology and innovation. With the help of patent, publication and trademark data, such differences can be identified and made visible. To this end, we prepare studies for governmental organizations and foundations. These can also be prepared as a website. An example for such a website is the Mittelstandsatlas, which we prepared for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
